RRB Group D Photo Crop with Max 100KB & 200KB Compression

RRB Group D Photo Crop & Compression

Welcome to our online tool designed to crop and compress RRB Group D photos to meet the required dimensions of 240×320 pixels with a file size limit of 100KB or 200KB.

How to Use the Tool

  1. Upload Your Photo: Click the "Choose File" button and select your image.
  2. Crop the Image: Adjust the image position within the fixed 240×320 pixel crop area.
  3. Preview the Cropped Image: Click "Crop Image" to process and preview your final selection.
  4. Download Your Compressed Photo: Select either the "Download Max 100KB JPEG" or "Download Max 200KB JPEG" button to save your optimized image.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q1: What image formats does this tool support?

A: The tool supports JPEG, PNG, and other common image formats.

Q2: How does the cropping work?

A: The crop area is fixed at 240×320 pixels, allowing you to position your image within it.

Q3: How is the image compressed?

A: Our algorithm adjusts JPEG quality dynamically to ensure the final file stays under 100KB or 200KB.

Q4: Will image quality be affected?

A: The compression is optimized to maintain high quality while reducing file size efficiently.

Q5: Is the tool mobile-friendly?

A: Yes! The website is fully responsive and works seamlessly on mobile devices.